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Santa Ana - Election Year

Hernandez (Ward 5) || Vazquez (Mayor) || Amezcua (Mayor) || Non-Citizen Voting

Johnathan Ryan Hernandez Ward 5

Jonathan Hernandez is the current councilman representing ward 5 of the City of Santa Ana. He will be a candidate for the same ward on November’s election.

Nice guy to talk to and capable to do good things but his head has been influenced by the socialist agenda and the death of his cousin in a “suicide by cop” case.

He has also been accused of misplacing $10,000 in donations from city organized events, and paying 80% of the event budget to just one performer.

He introduced a proposition to allow undocumented people to vote. This will authorize people from Anaheim and Garden Grove to participate in our city elections, diluting the significance of the vote of Santaneros. Furthermore, it will allow millionaires and interest groups to put councilmembers of their preference and remove the Sanctuary status of Santa Ana.

This is what Jonathan Hernandez, Benjamin Vazquez and Lopez vote for.

He opposed police to act against public intoxicated people lying on sidewalks and public places. Jonathan Hernandez prefers our kids to go to schools and parks jumping over drunk people.

He never opposed the needle distribution program, which would leave 120,000 needles on the streets and parks our kids frequently play.

This suggests that Jonathan Ryan Hernandez is more interested in opposing the mayor than addressing critical issues.

Jonathan Hernandez, Vasquez and Lopez want to see our parks, libraries and public places littered with needles.

Jonathan Ryan Hernandez is never present during the Pledge of Allegiance, disrespecting those who fought for our freedom and the great nation we have today. The words of the Pledge emphasize core American values such as liberty, justice, and equality, and evidently he is against those values.

His policies lead Santa Ana to be more like San Francisco and Oakland: filled with dirt, crime, and an exploding homeless population. 

Benjamin likes Santa Ana to be like Oakland

Jonathan Hernandez mentioned in more than one occasion that the City Hall is in “occupied grounds”. It is unknown where he wants to direct the conversation with this comment.

Mr. Hernandez promotes corrupt socialist ideas that only create poverty. Ideas that failed over and over and almost always end up with violence and terror and should be not tolerated in Santa Ana.

Hernandez/Lopez/Vasquez is the one in the center.
“You should be more caritative, I’m going to get half your cookie to give it to him”

Hernandez introduced taxes that directly hurt poor people, pushing them to misery.

The last tax hike proposal was for cigarettes… What Jonathan wants taxed next is unknown.

He did oppose a fee hike proposed by Nabil Saba (Water Resources Manager).

Jonathan Hernandez is very influenced by groups of extreme left, which make him have conflicting set of values. For example, he supported Palestine’ cease of fire and then attended an LGBTQ++ event. Needless to say, open LGBTQ++ individuals face discrimination, persecution and legal consequences (including imprisonment) in Palestine.

Jonathan Hernandez introduced a resolution for a cease of fire in Palestine. It failed for the first time in December so he introduced it again in February. During those three months residents of Santa Ana heard insults and slurs from people mostly from other cities, and City’s issues were either diluted or disregarded completely.

This is NOT a gubernamental site​

This website is made by neighbors and its only intent is to facilitate the voice of Santaneros toward the city.

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